Sunday, September 07, 2008

Legco Election Day- Observations

1. Volunteers

I ran into a group of DAB and FTU volunteers immediately after leaving home today very early this morning. Then as I walked towards the polling station, there are more and more DAB/FTU people, I just saw small groups of Civic Party/Democratic Part/LSD volunteers at the exit of the MTR station, and then more FTU/DAB and FTU/DAB people all around.

From this you can see why Beijing Olympics got so many volunteers =P, these pro-China groups have the tendency to draw more volunteers.

What I don't understand is why some relatively young people (I think they look like university students) are working for DAB/FTU!!!! Unlikely to be forced by parents at that age... Maybe easier to get promoted in these parties? coz a lot less young people? hmm...

2. District Councillor

My district councillor was/?is from the FTU (I did not vote for him!), but this time he supported the DAB... why did he betrayed the FTU? More financial support? I really don't like him.

3. Leung Mei Fun

The same thing happened like last week, Leung sent someone to distribute pamphlets right outside my church (which is in the Kln West District), and according to some of my friends, she got 3 different versions of pamphlets for DAB/church/?general? not sure.

Let's see her supporters. Really got to say "king", she could find so many "star" pastors/leaders in the HK Protestant Circle to support her.



One of the supporters gave the sermon today in my church, I guess after what happened to So Wing Chi, NO ONE dare to say a thing about the election =P haha!! So nothing at all about the election.

Some details about her background and how So supported her and why can be read here
. Ignore the Bible/theology stuff, I think parts of it are wrong.

Another interesting post on separation of church and government.

4. Functional constituency

If you're a voter of the functional constituency, a letter representing the group you belonged to will be there on the sheet of paper they have in the polling station.

As they were searching for my name on the list, I noted there are like just 2-3 people with letters in front of their names on each page (like more than 40 names/page I think, not sure because I didn't count). Really small circle election. And the people with ID numbers around me are all young people already, if you go to the elderly group, I bet there might not be a single functional constituency voter in the whole pile of papers.


Anonymous said...

thanks for your article!

about leung may fun, you said, "Some details about her background and how So supported her and why can be read here. Ignore the Bible/theology stuff, I think parts of it are wrong."

can you explain a little bit more on the meaning of "I think parts of it are wrong."?

which parts do you think are wrong?


aMy said...

I didn't read the whole article till the end =P

He wrote, "時代錯置,則見於早期教會的末世心態。保羅懶得與政權角力,最大的原因是他相信末日即將降臨,政權快要隨著整個現世一併完蛋,基督徒快快樂樂到天國享福去也。叫人納稅也是出於相同理由:明天世界都玩完了,今天錙銖必計又有甚麼意思?豪俾佢囉。早期教會日日盼望耶穌隨時再來"...
"「這一代的人還沒有都去世以前,這一切事(世界末日)就要發生」(太 24:34)"

I don't think Paul ever meant things this way. Paul told people NOT to stop working becoz they think Jesus will be coming back soon, and also the part where the writer quoted Jesus, that quote is most likely about what happened in AD 70 when Jerusalem was destroyed rather than a description of the end of the world.

I got so irritated by all these, and so I stopped reading =P

Unknown said...

i think the smallest functional constituency was something like 140 voters... which was ridiculous.

aMy said...

but it'll continue, becoz the Liberal Party lost in direct elections...

Anonymous said...

Thanks for your explanation! I appreciate it. =)