Tuesday, December 09, 2008

Finished Buffy Season 7

I have finally finished all the seven seasons of Buffy the Vampire Slayer. It took me like half a year to finish all the episodes, mostly because it got quite boring in the middle and I stopped watching it. =P

I have wanted to watch it for many years, but since it wasn't shown in television here in Hong Kong, I didn't have the chance to watch it. And one of my favourite writers love the TV show, and since she also loves the West Wing (one of my fav TV show), I thought I would love the show, so I got the DVDs. (China version =P)

Even though the basic plot of a superheroine who fought vampire, but fell in love with one herself is so cliche =P, the good dialogue and the gorgeous and cool heroes made up for it. =)

As I have mentioned before, the hero in the first 3 seasons- Angel (David Boreanaz), Buffy's first boyfriend, is good looking and cool.

The second one is so boring, I won't even mention him...

The third one- Spike (James Marsters), is really breathtakingly gorgeous. =P

Since I started reading about James Marsters on the web, I found a lot of interesting stuff about him. He graduated from Juilliard, he is actually an American (his British accent in the Buffy show is just an act!), and he is a singer and guitarist with his own rock band.

And this quote of his impressed me a lot.

"I don't know much about the internet, I'm afraid.

I don't have a computer - I don't like to get into it that much 'cause it can screw with your head a little.

I have not, just because -- see this brings up a very interesting thing, I don't have a computer, because it so -- it's like bourbon, going to a fan site you know, it makes you feel so puffed up about yourself and so cool, and I promised myself when Joss asked me to come on the show as a regular, I hung up the phone after screaming like an idiot and then like I didn't even pretend to be cool, I sat down and I was like 'okay, I'm gonna be getting a lot of money, I'm gonna be getting a lot of fame, but the most important thing is if I can keep from becoming an asshole'.

What I noticed was that when I go on the Internet, or used to, my head would swell. Why am I an actor? God knows but some of it has got to be the need for acceptance and stuff, right? So I'm just drawn to that stuff like honey and at some point I just had to say, 'James, get off the 'Net, go back, clean your toilet.' Now I find I'm like a mentor to the guys in the band because they're tasting it now too. And I'm like, 'Charlie, get off the Internet. Get off your fan site now. You're losing it.' And he's like, 'Yeah, boss, right.'"

I have never thought much about this, how celebrities would react to the "good" stuff people write about them on the net. I like this guy even more when I read this.

Plus bad boys are far more interesting than the good ones. Just compared Buffy's two vampire boyfriends with her human one (the second boring one). =P

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