Wednesday, August 06, 2008

McDonald's Breakfast and my eeePC


I chose Egg Sausage McMuffin set again not just because I love it (tho I do =) it tastes so good), also because the other breakfast sets are just so environmentally unfriendly with the disposable plates and covers. =P

I don't understand why they have "No Straws Day" to try to save the environment, you just compare the straw with the plate/cover... or maybe even with the plastic cover of the cup... you'll realise how insignificant it is, even though I opt to drink my coke without the straw. I forgot to ask them not to put in the ice cubes again! Every single time I try to drink this without a straw!! I forgot all those cubes are going to fall when I try to drink!!

And enjoy my breakfast with internet on my eeePC! YEAH! I can only surf the web, but not check emails, since there is still no way to access the internet securely at McDonald's.

Two posts about McDonald's on the same day, haha!

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