Monday, June 11, 2007

Google Sightseeing

I've downloaded Google Earth long ago, but seldom use it nowadays.

And someone made this Google sightseeing website.
"Why bother seeing the world for real? Join us as we go sightseeing around the globe with satellite images from Google Earth and Google Maps."

You can even see the house where Paris Hilton lives in... wow...

There are sights from Hong Kong as well.


Anonymous said...

sightseeing on web? just too different! not the real experience anymore...maybe there is no such saying as 讀萬卷書不如行萬里路in the future

aMy said...

I don't like Google Earth, as we're just seeing stuff from above, not to mention we lose all the interesting experiences of travelling

But it's quite interesting to try to find the building where we live/work in Google Earth (the satellite image for HK in quite clear, unlike some of the other smaller towns)