Wednesday, June 13, 2007


I don't remember when I started to realise if I wear some pretty "shabby" clothes to shopping, the salespeople treat me differently. I try to avoid wearing stuff that looks cheap when I go shopping.

Last week, I have an extra 2 hours to spare, I was wearing my usual attire to work which is T-short and pants and a huge backpack. =P I had nothing better to do, so I did some window shopping.

I realised 2 things. First, as your self-confidence grows, it doesn't matter what you're going to wear. I remember I used to care about the brand names of the stuff I wore, not now, I can wear HK$20 stuff and still feel comfortable. =) (Where did I get these $20 stuff?? From my mom obviously... sigh...)

Second, there's no way ANYONE will ever think I am a Chinese tourist when I wear simple cheap stuff!! HAHAHAHAHA!!!


Anonymous said...

若我無心買野, 我會穿得很爛, 相反, 我若想被禮待, 我會執正少少. 無法子, sal屎就就咁現實.

aMy said...

haha!! The good thing is I don't case about it now!!! haha!! Sometimes ignoring me is good, I can look thru things on my own. =)