Wednesday, November 22, 2006


I just read a friend's comment in my post about UNESCO World Heritage Site. Pompeii is really a must for Italy. Especially for people like me who like RUINS!!! I visited Pompeii as a day trip from Rome in 1999.

I bought an interesting book about ancient Roman Empire years ago in the UK (in one of the gift shops along Hadrian's Wall). It was written as if it had been an ancient newspaper.

I remembered one of the most interesting bit of news in that book was about Pompeii. (I can't find the book right now, so this is just from my memory.) A fortune teller predicted that in the future Pompeii would be known all over the world, and its arts would be copied by many. And the mayor was very happy with the prediction. Haha!!

We never know what will happen. Everything is in God's hands.

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