Thursday, September 06, 2007


A friend of mine told me I haven't called her in months, I told her it's just months, not years! :)

Frankly, I didn't try to keep in touch with most of the people I knew. (I didn't realise how many people I have forgotten until the recent Facebook fervor.) I usually tried to keep in touch with my "good" friends, but I realised some of my "good" friends in primary school have even forgotten about me, like "Who are you?" when I tried to add them as my friend on Facebook. =P

As one grows up (NOT grows old, please note that!), and the friends' list grows longer and longer, can one really keep in touch with all these people??

I'm already so busy and tired that I have no energy to do the things I should be doing.

Now with MSN, Facebook, the world seems to be a much smaller place, it is MUCH easier to keep in contact with friends, BUT you spend extra time to talk to friends you would not see otherwise if these tools didn't exist. =P

When I saw an "ex-good friend" of mine smoking on my way home today (she wasn't a smoker back then), I realised even with these tools, there're still a lot of good friends whom I really need to call.

How can one have time for all these??

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