Saturday, June 21, 2008

Movies I watched on my flight back

I don't know why all the 3 movies I chose to watch during my flight back to Hong Kong from Melbourne are all kinda sad... It's not even a deliberate choice, because I have no idea what they're about before I chose them...

Today, I kept thinking about this movie-- P.S. I Love You, it's about a young widow who has recently lost her husband and how she recovered from her loss through the letters left by her husband. (I don't know how it can be classified under Romantic Comedy, my tears just kept on running when I watched it... =P) Bereavement is a long process. During our fellowship sharing today, scenes from this movie just kept on flashing in my mind... I guess this movie kinda makes me think, this woman found the love of her life early in her life, when she had her husband, she quarreled with him the way every couple does. Then she lost her husband before she turned 30, it's like she lost everything in her life. When she recovered a bit, then her friends found their own happiness, leaving her alone. It's just so sad, and life is so unpredictable, when you should be happy, you aren't, and then you lose the important thing/person, life just goes on. I guess what I'm saying God is the only dependable being in our lives.

I didn't enjoy Charlie Wilson's War, it's not like it's a bad movie. It's more about politics than war. And it showed how one person can think they did something good, but the fact is what they have done would have some serious bad consequences. (This movie is about how the US helped Afghanistan in fighting the Soviet Union.) I didn't like the characters, I guess, that's why I was never "involved" in the movie, and even when it is also written by Aaron Sorkin, if you want to watch a bit of drama on politics, please watch the West Wing. The West Wing is just so much better. I didn't find the movie witty at all... despite what the other reviewers think...

I knew the Kite Runner is sad before I even watched it. I have been meaning to read the book for more than a year, but still haven't gotten round to it yet. It's also about Afghanistan. I have watched documentaries about the beauty of Afghanistan before the war, I don't know a lot about the history frankly, but how the friendship of the children was broken, that story is heart wrenching... and I have just read more about it on wikipedia, the novel itself seem to be worse... (I mean there're even more depressing details... I don't think I'll ever read it. =P)


Anonymous said...

I've seen PS I love you on the flight to Singapore. My tears kept running as well. I believe that everyone has this kind of bereavement once upon a time, in losing a beloved one, losing a relationship etc. I'm planning to read the book because from what I've heard, the book is more in depth.
I've read the Kite Runner. It made me sad, but not to the extend that stopping me from reading. It's also more in depth in describing the feeling and struggling. It's a good story, and a good book if you're not bored by the first 1/3 of the book. haha!!

aMy said...

I have read another book by Cecilia Ahern (Not PS I Love You, but another one, I can't recall the name right now, it's about two ppl who loved each other since they were very young, but kept on missing each other.) It's not the best book I've read, but I remember it made my laugh a lot. =)

I think she's the daughter of the Prime Minister of Ireland (or sth like that)

but I'm not gonna read the book, coz I've got TV series to watch, so many books I've bought but not yet read...

I dun think I'm gonna read the Kite Runner tho... =P