Thursday, May 24, 2007

Do you need Viagra?

Well, don't panic, this website has NOT been hacked by spammers. =P

I just read this news report here.

You and I probably need Viagra... NOT for obvious reasons...

The male impotence drug Viagra may be useful for treating jet lag as well, according to Argentine researchers who gave it to hamsters made to feel like rodent globe-trotters.

The researchers said the findings suggested that Viagra could be useful to help people cope with jet lag or shift work. They said the dose needed for such uses could be lower than the one used for treatment of erectile dysfunction.

Viagra interferes with an enzyme that lowers levels of a naturally occurring compound that plays a role in the regulation of the circadian cycle, the body's internal clock, the researchers said.

Jet lag or shift work, I need it for both if it really does work... but whoever thought of this first and actually did a study on it??


Anonymous said...

maybe viagra increases the nitric oxide levels in the brain which makes you more alert?? nitric oxide is also a neurotransmitter apart from being a smooth muscle relaxant.

aMy said...

I can see you're really working hard for part 1. =P haha!!

Anonymous said...

how i wish it could be over soon...:(

aMy said...

I know that feeling =) believe me the worst has NOT come yet =P you'll want to burn your notes later =)

you will definitely pass from what I heard from Michelle, so only a few more months!!