Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Stupid Hongkongers (edited)

I found out something impossible today.

I have UNDERESTIMATED the stupidity of HK people!! Really I thought my opinion on them cannot be lower...

this piece of news from Ming Pao.

Edited: (I wrote the above during my lunch hour and added something below.)
Here's the same
piece of news from Apple Daily.
理 工 大 學 應 用 社 會 科 學 系 副 授 何 國 良 形 容 , 投 訴 人 明 顯 以 《 聖 經 》 作 為 武 器 , 挑 戰 當 局 的 淫 褻 物 品 評 審 制 度 , 從 而 凸 顯 其 流 弊 , 「 直 頭 係 審 裁 部 門 危 機 , 今 次 佢 評 《 中 大 學 生 報 》 做 二 級 ( 不 雅 ) , 完 全 講 唔 到 個 道 理 出 , 但 係 冇 可 能 都 將 《 聖 經 》 評 為 二 級 , 到 時 就 要 搵 方 法 落 台 。 」

Read their page and honestly tell me this is what they wanted to do? Is their purpose REALLY this "noble"?? Or just plain stupid?!

And further to the CU student newspaper incident, this is a touching article by 蔡子強. If we all act like this, how much better our world will be?

現在差不多每一間大學,都說鼓勵學生獨立思考、批判思維,但當學生的看法與我們一模一樣時,哪用 大家多作lip service;相反,正正是當學生的看法與我們南轅北轍,與我們不同的時候,校方仍能表現出的尊重和包容,才真正最能體現出我們對獨立思考和批判思維的 真誠,才最彌足珍貴。

And back on to the Bible issue again, when we read the history of Israel, we see so much evil, even incest, rape, mutilation of human bodies, and we see God is with them all the way through everything, even though God must be hurt by all these. Can we do the same thing for our family, our school or EVEN our church??

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