Thursday, October 11, 2007

GROW old together??

I remembered reading an article on the newspaper about the story of a wife who decided she had to break up with her husband because he did not grow at the same pace with her over the years of their marriage.

I know how that can happen. Even when two people are together, their pace and direction can be remarkably different. And when one grows really differently, the other will also be affected.

Even if you're in love and in synchrony the day you're married, how can you know that this person will grow like you in the future?

On the other hand, is that a justified ground for a divorce??

I have finally read this book (and I'll write about it later on my other blog), and... I am too lazy to type it up or scan it, so sorry for the poor quality.



I guess it's also true for non-Christian marriages, in the old days, marriage was not as fragile when individual personality was not that emphasized. Marriage was about family more than about individual then, and it was much more likely that couples could grow old together.

P.S. I have finished writing a brief review here.

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