Sunday, February 04, 2007

Babe Magnet

As I was browsing on the web, I found this list of jobs that are supposed to be "babe magnets"! Babes, do you agree? haha!!!
- Doctors who work with children
- Environmental scientist
- Role in finance
- Journalist
- Company director
- Academic

And this list is for professions attracting men
- Human rights campaigner
- Journalists
- Photographers
- Web designers
- Marketers
- Advertising directors.

I don't know about men, personally speaking from a woman's point of view, what matters is not the job a man got, it's the person... And I really can't understand why paediatricians are considered attractive at all...


aMy said...

For academics, I think that's the impression from movies... Usually there are these intelligent guys hiding behind a pair of glasses or gorgeous guys who happened to be scholars...

but pedi, hmm...

Anonymous said...

mmm....why do i have the impression that academics do not play????

pedi...not attracted at all myself...but some books may say- 'it is the female instinct to look for a good father for children'....;p