Sunday, January 14, 2007


Yesterday, after watching a marathon of Lois & Clark (while entering data for my survey), I began to google Dean Cain to see what he's doing recently. I know Teri Hatcher is on Desperate Housewives, but what about Dean Cain?

After a search, he's still gorgeous, but his age is 40! I suddenly realised how time flies... when I first watched Lois & Clark, he was in his 20s, and I was still in my teens, and now he's already FORTY years old, me in late 20s...

What will I be doing in 10 years' time??

(Note: After thinking about this before my sleep last night, today during the worship service, I had the message, "Offer yourself as a Living Sacrifice", which will be posted later on my spiritual journal.")

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