Thursday, January 18, 2007

birthday musings

I didn't plan to write about my birthday... anyway, since onion has already mentioned this in the cbox... A week ago, I saw this poster on a movie "Happy Birthday" and it would be opened on 18 Jan. haha! Of course, I'm not going to watch this movie today, if I go and watch it, it'll make my birthday unhappy. I don't know what the story is about, but from the promo poster, most definitely a tearjerker...

Last night, I talked to a university classmate. (I did not keep in contact with most of my classmates. I just met him while I was at work.) He told me half of our classmates went into private practice already. And one of our classmates has opened this place (more precisely she rented a floor! with 7 people working under her) in Wan Chai. She did not get any job in the public sector after graduation, so she went into private practice. At that time, most people would probably think it's good to get a job. Who would think after a few years, she would get so rich?

And then it got me to think, what did I do in the past few years?

I read the blog of a friend a few days ago (yeah, Carmen, yours), she talked about the job interview she had. How they wanted her to work every day even the weekends for more than 1 year. It went against every Christian principle she had. That's not just the kind of life in university, also the life in private practice.

How should I judge if I have spend my time wisely?

In the past few years, I have passed part 1 exam, I have discovered how God wanted me to serve Him, I have started taking courses at CGST. I have started learning Hebrew (but stopped, haha!) I have went to China churches to serve. I have went to Indonesia for a short mission trip. It's not that bad, is it?

If I had gone into the private sector, I would never have the opportunity to do all these.

(I don't know if you notice from all my posts, I'm deliberately being vague on my work, HAHA! so unless you know me personally, you probably don't know what I do for a living.)


aMy said...

I think the expectation comes more from myself than from others. From work, yeah... sometimes ppl would say Amy will know that, she knows a lot, etc... it's irritating sometimes, but ok.

This is not something new for me, and I learnt my lessons well. What I expect in my life is what God will give me.

Years ago after I had very good results in HKCEE, I thought I was the one who did great and then God gave me a lesson in my A-levels. =P (Not very bad results, but far worse than my teachers and I had expected. Do you believe I got a D in English writing? I still cannot believe this up till now.)

And on various other things in my personal life as well... painful lessons... so I hope I learnt my lessons and I still constantly remind myself, everything I got is from God. And that's true. Whenever I stop and think about what I got, then I know I can never get all these by myself.

周輝 said...


Anonymous said...

Amy, happy birthday. Recently I have a feeling that people will have different expectations from you. They could be unfair or unpredictable. But I am glad to know the expectations of my Heavenly father from me are so clearly stated - love Him and love others and He will always forgive me when I am not doing good enough. It's a blessing to know His love yeah? Oh you already started taking course in CGST. That's what I have always thought about. Hmm....

aMy said...

Chau Fai, thanks!

aMy said...

Bao, what did you experience at work? sounded like something bad happened?

Working for our Heavenly Father is definitely better than working for humans =)

Courses from CGST are really good. My dream is to do an MCS, (either at Regent College or CGST) but I don't know if I can stop working for two years to do that. Now I'm just studying TEE courses. What kind of course are you interested in? maybe we can go together. =)

aMy said...

but Ian is not PWH trainee and he also got the exam prize! I'm not the only exception.

I'm never the kind who's really ambitious, unlike some other ppl I know. All I wanted is to leave on time, preferably earlier. Pass all the exams and work in a nice working environment.

who is that senior? is that SCY?

aMy said...

I thought it was SCY, it's like sth he would have said, he told me how to get on with my career, etc...

I'm not saying that you think I'm the ambitious, but I just managed to give that impression by getting exam prize? wow...

me who wants to work with Bro Fat (so I can leave early) IF not for the fact that he's not teaching anything and I'm still under training... HAHA!!

the prize has nothing to do with me, I know some ppl who knows a LOT more than me, AND who did NOT say "I don't know" to an opening question, they did not get the prize... that's the way for God to tell me, it's got NOTHING to do with me, HAHAHAHAHAHA!!

Anonymous said...

My computer is down at home and I can only get sccess to internet at work. Yea.. I also wonder if I stop working and go for the MCS. I am some how intersted in its counselling course... Anyway, see how HE leads us =)

aMy said...

Bao, poor you... my network is malfunctioning... it can't access google related webs well these days, which is a big problem since I practically use google for everything, e.g. emails, blogs... sigh...

Anyway, if you're thinking about counselling, another option is Bethel, their counselling course can be completed part-time and their course is very good!

Me... I want to study the Bible, and CGST is most famous for its Biblical studies... and there's no part-time MCS course...

Anonymous said...

Oh really? I have always wanted to study christian counselling before. But recently I have also thought about biblical studies. I think what HE wants of me is more important. Haha, that's actually my motivation to finish professional exam on time now. Meanwhile, still waiting and listening...

aMy said...

since my call is to teach the Bible, that's why I opt for CGST, how's your computer? fixed?